
Blog主有喜! 感謝大家出席Kitty & Rickie的婚禮! 感謝大家對我倆的祝福

Blog主有喜! 感謝大家出席Kitty & Rickie的婚禮! 感謝大家對我倆的祝福

(註: 未經Blog主許可,請勿將照片轉載或利用! Many thanks For your Kind Attention!!)

感謝所有親友長輩、師長老闆,良朋好友及同事抽空出席Kitty與我剛於2012211日所舉行的婚禮,也非常感謝您們所有的祝福與心意、禮物!  Many thanks for all your coming to Kitty and my wedding ceremony on 11 February 2012!  We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to all your warm wishes and gifts!

Best Man Dave Maid of Honour Goldie (Rannveig Gunnlaugsdóttir) 、主禮神父 Fr. Stephen Chow S.J. JosephWilliamGaryHackmanFrancisEndlessCeciJulieAvaStephanieJosephinaJennifer 當然,還有統籌的兄弟TerenceHarryEric;更有當天Church Wedding Ceremony中擔任領經的Chionia、輔祭的StephenChoirAngelaEugeniaSarah、施琴的Grace,更要特別鳴謝男中音的Mr. Daniel Lam、樂團的T. W.G.Hs. Wong Fut Nam College String Ensemble & Brass Ensemble、合唱團的T.W.G.Hs. Wong Fut Nam College 5B students、場刊的Siu Yuet Yan,以及所有仗義幫忙的其他好人朋友!

Of course, I have to express our sincere thanks to Goldie and Eon, who come from Iceland, and
忠宏, 得民 and Bonnie, who come from Taiwan, for all their coming  Kitty and I hope that you have had a good time in Hong Kong !


籌備結婚及結婚當天是超忙 +超累,而婚後的今天因新居的事宜依然是超忙 +累! But we shall overcome and will be fine

Internet,所以blog會暫停upload片刻。 感謝大家一直對小blog的愛護與支持,3月中旬再見! No worry, Blog will Go On!也請諸君不要擔心,婚後Backpacking Will Go On (
http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2012/03/taiwan-trip-2011-backpacking-goes-on_20.html)! 我也會在3月中旬左右開始籌備Backpacking 2012,腹稿是西班牙(Spain),當中包括單挑至少100kmSantiago de compostela (全長840km) 或是日本四國,當中包括單挑環繞四國的四國片道、或其他同等好風光的路線。 雖然,everything is still yet to be confirmed, But one thing is confirmed – BACKPACKING WILL GO ON!!

徇眾要求,本blog upload一些Kitty與我在20114月於台灣新竹及苗粟所拍攝的pre-wedding photos Please enjoy!  再次感謝兄弟忠宏的安排、感謝台灣新竹法國巴黎的攝影師黃師父、make-upCarol及助手小豪的專業服務。小blog將擇日再另開一網誌詳細感謝、分享 (


